costume jewelry

美 [ˈkɑːstuːm ˈdʒuːəlri]英 [ˈkɒstjuːm ˈdʒuːəlri]
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costume jewelrycostume jewelry
  1. They claimed a couple pieces of costume jewelry and a clown suit .


  2. Go through your jewelry and dispose of the broken costume jewelry and make plans to sell ones that you don 't wear .


  3. Can I buy costume jewelry at this shop ?


  4. With her love for the theater came the desire to adorn herself with costume jewelry .


  5. It 's found in trace amounts in everything from children 's costume jewelry to imported candies to soil and drinking water .


  6. Choose her birthstone as a gift , or choose a piece of costume jewelry from a boutique you know she frequents .


  7. Costume jewelry : If you 're longing for native English speakers , also in the March é Vernaison is Au Grenier de Lucie .


  8. Another New York based designer , Pamela Love , whose costume jewelry brand also saw cult success with young women when it launched in 2007 , expanded in to fine jewelry last year .


  9. Paige Novick has her own line of costume jewelry , but she also designs fine jewelry , so she is well versed in the wearing and storing of both .


  10. The market , a maze of tiny shops in dilapidated buildings with crumbling brick facades , sells toys , hardware , costume jewelry , cosmetics , home appliances and hosiery .


  11. When Congress , with Sonia Gandhi at the helm , retook power from the BJP in 2004 , Mr. Vadra was running a small business exporting inexpensive costume jewelry .


  12. She wanted her daughters and their husbands to share what little monetary wealth she left & the proceeds of her small insurance policy , an antique cameo , a few bracelets , some costume jewelry and her wedding band .


  13. For wearable souvenirs , Renatta & Go ( T-shirts start about 15 euros ) has chic casual wear for women and girls , and all that glitters is merely gold-plated at Aristocrazy ( rings from 50 euros ) , which does a booming business in costume jewelry .


  14. Suhroff handed the bag to a clerk , saying it held " either costume or junk jewelry ," .
